Friday, 13 April 2012

The plan of action for the older persons

The implementation of the programmes and activities related to the older persons, irrespectively organized by individuals, workgroup, voluntary organization, community, government organization, or the private sector should be in line with the National Policy for the Older Persons. Thus, all efforts in the implementation of the programmes/activities should be coordinated between the agencies:

  • Education - the facilities in education and training for the older persons.
  • Working sector - older persons are encouraged to continue their contribution towards developing the country.
  • Participation in the Society - older persons are encouraged to involve in the family and social   activities.
  • Recreational Activities - it is necessary for the local authority and government to provide the  facilities in the housing areas, recreation parks and sport arenas that are elderly-friendly.
  • Transportation – the public transportation system should provide facilities for older persons to move from place to place.
  • Housing: when building houses it should take into account accessibility for older persons.
  • Family Support System: it is necessary to have a support system in the community to assist families in caring for older persons.
  • Health: medical facilities for the older persons.
  • Social Security: building a comprehensive social security scheme.
  • Media: electronic and print media must play an active role to educate the public on older persons.
  • Research and Development: research must to be done to get the real picture and the proper planning for the betterment of the older persons.
Community Services for the Elderly; Social welfare policies and services fort he elderly: A country report (Malaysia). 2007. Tokyo, Japan.

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