Monday, 9 April 2012

The national advisory and consultative council for older persons

In accordance with the National Policy for Older Persons, the National Advisory and Consultative Council for Older Persons is presently under the chairmanship of the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development. It was established in May 1996. The Council consists of 34 members from the various government agencies, NGOs, the private sector, and individuals who have an interest in ageing.
The Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry is the secretariat for the Council and serves as the focal point for all issues related to ageing. The Technical Committee of The National Policy for Older Persons was formed in July 1996 to work on the Plan of Action. Under the Technical Committee six sub-committees were formed to work on the major concerns of the Plan of Action to ensure the integration and participation of the elderly in the country’s development:

  • Social and recreation.
  • Health.
  • Education, training, and religion.
  • Housing.
  • Research.
  • Publicity.

Community Services for the Elderly; Social welfare policies and services fort he elderly: A country report (Malaysia). 2007. Tokyo, Japan.


  1. Hi Romina,

    After reading this interesting topic, I thought of saying something about it.

    1. The shots are carefully taken showing the gradual steps of the interview. The shots also show that you are keen and sympathetic. I like them all. Good job.

    2. The interview questions are also good.

    3. The proposed plan is very needful.

    Good luck

    Dr Ghayth

  2. Hi Romina,

    After reading this interesting topic, I thought of saying something about it.

    1. The shots are carefully taken showing the gradual steps of the interview. The shots also show that you are keen and sympathetic. I like them all. Good job.

    2. The interview questions are also good.

    3. The proposed plan is very needful.

    Good luck

    Dr Ghayth
