Sunday, 13 May 2012

Variables for a long and healthy life

The most positive significant variable for a long and healthy life is education (Beta=0.110), followed by practice of healthy eating habit (Beta=0.08). Variables like place of residence, health Insurance, exercise, other ethnicity, member of any association and practice healthy eating habit have positive beta value. They indicate an increase in these variables and will contribute to an increase in economic well-being. These facts are summed up in the following table.

Doris Padmini Selvaratnam, Norlaila Abu Baka: Economic well-being and morbidity of the elderly in Malaysia; Journal of modern Acounting and Auditing; Apr. 2010, Vol.6, No.4.


  1. Indeed, we should all give more attention to what we eat and how we treat our body...

    Good luck with your project ;-)

  2. Hey!
    I think I should try to eat more healthy food. ;-) Not that much fast food...
    Bye Bye Tommy

  3. But fast food is so tasty...
