Friday, 30 March 2012

demographic change

This graphic demonstrates that in future there will be more elderly people (amongst other things because of improving medicine) and less younger people to support them. In 2050 the younger people will not be able anymore to take care of all the elderly people, because there will be too much.

URL: [Access: March–31–2012].

mobility of elderly (90+ study)

The following diagram is a disability score in 2001, 2003, and 2007. Sections inside the
gray portion of the bars refer to the number of activities with
dependence. The first section from the bottom refers to elderly dependent in
one, the second to those dependent in two, the third to those
dependent in three, and the fourth section to those dependent in four daily routine
activities. The graphic clarifies that more often woman are dependent on external help than man.

The next two tables mention a variety of different daily activities and relate or rather explain until which level these activities can be fulfilled in the different periods of age.

Tytti Sarkeala, Tapio Nummi; Disability trends among nonagenarians in 2001–2007:
Vitality 90+ Study. Springer Verlag. 2011.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The problem

The problem of the society nowadays is, that there are always more older people and not enough younger ones to care for them. Because of this demographic change, there is an enormous need for older people to get help, since there will not be enough homes for elderly and nursing staff. In addition to this, marriages break more often and bring less children to life who often have no time to take care of their parents.
Furthermore, younger people are busy with their work and often do not have the time to care for their elderly parents the whole day. The younger ones also have to earn money to finance their living and this takes energy and time.